It’s time to re-establish substantial impact fees, halt solar, and stop the 2045 Comprehensive plan…

Dear Jefferson County Residents and Taxpayers,

I, David Tabb, would like to take a moment and thank all the volunteers (individuals and groups) that make our communities what and who we are.

I put value to one’s willingness to help. Just the effort to go out of one’s way, that is not one’s job, is paramount to the values that our county and state were built on. Jefferson County and the state of West Virginia now puts no value to being a volunteer unless you volunteer for what the government wants done.

I believe that Jefferson County and the state of West Virginia still belong to the people, not the government.

Two years ago, I made the statement: If you vote for David Tabb, I will stop the takeovers of the ambulances and halt commercial solar. The voters chose the other candidates over me. How is that working out for everyone?

My statements are backup with facts and solutions. The other candidates appear to be talking in circles or out of both sides of their mouths.

First: Chose your candidate wisely, check the facts and their solutions. If the candidate has no solution, you may want to review your options.

Second: Vote

The longer you let the previous decisions to stay in affect, the longer it takes to be reversed. With your vote to place David Tabb in a County Commission seat and with your help we can stop the complete takeover of the Volunteer Fire Companies, re-establish substantial impact fees, halt solar, and stop the 2045 Comprehensive plan.


Keep a watchful eye out tonight with all the trick or treaters…


The media has not been kind to my platform…